Thursday, December 17, 2009

And so it begins...

This blog is about the life and reflections of a jaded Wall Streeter.

Jaded because wall street did not turn out to be what I thought it was when I decided to get into it. Jaded because like every other wall streeter, I spend a large part of the year thinking about my anticipated bonus, and the rest of the year in bitter disappointment that it wasn't even close to what I thought I should have got. Jaded because I feel trapped in this role with some sort of golden handcuffs that prevent me from trying something completely different that I might love. Jaded because I'm not really able to talk about these things openly with anyone else.

Hopefully this blog will help me articulate my thoughts and motivations, and through a fuller examination of my choices, lead me to the next stage of my career, whatever that may be.

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